MySQL support and 25 X speed improvement in latest release

It’s been two months since our last release but much like the werewolves in folklore, a lot happens in the dead of night and below the surface!

Huge speed improvement

Our biggest update in this last release is the massive speed improvement we saw. We built our own execution engine to run alongside the Microsoft one.  We’ve seen a very cool 18 X speed improvement on nested execution and a howling 25 X improvement on normal execution! If only we’d recorded the absolute delight on the team’s faces when they showed us their work in the weekly demo.

MySQL support

We had a support request from a client wanting to use MySQL with Warewolf. We thought it was a great idea and Warewolf now offers MySQL support.  You can execute MySQL stored procedures and Bulk Insert into MySQL databases.

There are a few other ad hoc items that we did too, get the full list here.

To get all this, download the latest release from our home page for free.

We’ve got some awesome features in the pipeline, make sure you’re the first to hear about them by keeping up with us on Facebook or Twitter.

What new feature or tool would you like to see added to the list?


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