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  3. Create an Elasticsearch Data Source

Create an Elasticsearch Data Source

In this example we work through how to create a new Elasticsearch Source inside Warewolf.

1. Inside the Studio, right click on localhost (Connected) in the Explorer, click on Sources and select a New Elasticsearch Source from the list.

Create Elastic Search Source

2. Add Host name.

Create ElasticSearch Source Add Host Name

3. Add port.

Create Elasticsearch Source Add Port

4. Add Search Index.

Create Elasticsearch Source Add Search Index

5. If using Anonymous Authentication, click Test Connection.
Create Elasticsearch Source Test Connection

6. If using Password Authentication, click Password. Enter the Username and Password and click Test Connection.
Create Elasticsearch Source Password Authentication

7. Click Save in the menu on the left. In the popup dialog, name your Elasticsearch Source and Save.

Updated on June 25, 2020

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