2.9 Warewolf Logging

In this video you will learn about the different types of logging in Warewolf.

To access Warewolf Logging, Click Settings in the main toolbar. The Settings tab will open, and you will see Logging, between the Security and Performance Counter Tabs, click this now.

Warewolf has 7 levels of logging available ranging from None to Trace logging. Logging happens for both the Server and the Studio.

The lower the logging level, the better the performance. Trace logging is fairly demanding on a server, but it is required occasionally. If you need to use Debug or Trace logging remember to turn it off after you have finished finding the error.

By default the log files are set to 200 Megabytes, but you can change them to any size you want. Remember to click the Save button if you make any changes to the settings.

Both the Server and Studio sections have links that open the log files. The text is orange.

Open the Server Log file, by clicking on the Server Log File link. The log file will open in your default text editor.

Warewolf appends to the log files, so the latest log entries will be at the bottom of the file. The log entry always starts with a date timestamp to identify what time the event was logged.

Scroll to the bottom of the file to see the latest entries. When you are finished, simply close the log file.

Warewolf logs all errors. If you need technical support for an error, your log file will prove very helpful in locating it.

You can also see the Execution Logging Video.


Updated on June 4, 2020

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