SharePoint integration tools for Warewolf

In the latest release of Warewolf, we have added a set of SharePoint integration tools SharePoint 2013 tools, which you can use to work directly with lists in both SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint online. Keeping with our tradition, we have focused on making the tools easy to use. The learning curve […]

Warewolf supports Swagger and APIs.json

As part of our continued support to open source and open standards we have recently implemented both the APIs.json (for discovery) and Swagger v2.0 (for API definition and metadata). This brings with it many advantages for anyone using Warewolf that wishes to have their services discovered automatically or give a […]

Testing stored procedures using Warewolf

Working with databases can be very time consuming and a bit complicated for beginners. Unfortunately this cannot be avoided – as well all know, databases are a critical part of every business. Databases are useful for simple things like keeping track of client information right up to higher levels of […]

The Warewolf domain specific language: simple but powerful

Warewolf was designed to allow developers to rapidly prototype complex systems using a simple flow-based programming paradigm. Applications built using flow-based languages are self-documenting and easily understood by both developers and other stakeholders. Traditionally, most other flow-based languages have been adequate for creating simple systems but cumbersome and inadequate when […]

Extending Warewolf using DLLs

One of the easiest ways to extend Warewolf is through the use of a Dynamic-Link library, or DLL for short. Warewolf can easily load a DLL by using the plugin connector. Warewolf can load DLLs from both the Global Assembly Cache or directly from a UNC path.  It can consume […]